2021 Annual Report
Providing local solutions
to global issues in a changing world
A Message From Our CEO
2021 was another record year for CRDF Global. We came out of the worst of the pandemic with better remote engagement skills and a renewed appreciation for the value of community and collaboration. We grew from 189 employees at the end of 2020 to 264 – a 40 percent growth in one year.
As with any organization experiencing rapid growth, we have had to refine our processes and tools to help us deliver our customers’ missions smoothly and efficiently. This is an ongoing process with dedication from all parts of the organization.
Rapid growth across our global hubs – Arlington, Amman, and Kyiv – also demands that we continue to dedicate time and resources to maintain the extraordinary culture that exists at our core. In a short video clip below, you will see a number of our employees talking about that culture in 15 different languages. Diversity of language, background, experience, and perspective is a singular strength of this organization and one that we continue to build and foster.
Our fundamental “why” – Strengthen Individuals, Build Relationships, Improve Our World – undergirds everything that we do. Whether we are hosting a group of international leaders, building capacity to detect and deter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or strengthening the public health emergency management systems in a partner country, we do it with the core belief that individuals working together across geographic and political boundaries is essential to tackling the tough challenges of the modern world.
I remain immensely proud of this team, from our 20-year veterans to the newest project associate. The passion and dedication they display every day have fueled our growth and the positive impact we are having in the world today.

Mike Dignam
President and CEO
Our Impact
By the Numbers
Total number
of awards
Total contract
Number of
countries impacted
Total number of
partners engaged
Total number of
participants engaged
Program Highlights
Thought Leadership Highlights
We understand that we can't do it all. Hence part of our mission includes inspiring others to the same ideal using subject matter experts to discuss trending topics.
Relive the event by clicking on the image
How We Execute Our Mission
Our Regional Hubs & Field Offices
Our regional locations allow us to understand the landscapes we work in and form critical relationships with local stakeholders. All of this positions us to provide locally thought-out solutions that meet our mission.

North America Hub
Following our founding in 1995, our first Hub office located in Arlington, Virginia, became the foundation of CRDF Global’s mission to advance global security, health, and economic progress by mitigating threats and enhancing opportunities through science, innovation, and collaboration.
Arlington, Virginia
North America Hub
One Team, One Mission
Total Number
of Employees:
Employee Growth:
Total Number of
New Employees:
Total Number
of Interns:
Our Culture, in Their Words...
Select Partners & Funders
Overcoming global challenges can only be achieved through dedication and collaboration. In pursuing our mission, we have partnered with governments, research institutions, local and international organizations to help find outcome-based local solutions to global issues.